Thursday has arrived once again and it is usually the day that the weekend itch sets in for me. Today, however, I really don't have a far off destination I'm really wanting to go to.
I'm happy right where I am.
I was not able to get the day off work to observe Vetrans Day but I feel as if I'm honoring the occasion in my own way. I'm happy to be here, in my home country, my home state and pretty darn close to my actual home itself. I think about all the soldiers that are across seas fighting this battle and how much they would give if they too could be back at home. Now, I don't get very vocal about my views on this war or my political opinions (except when I feel as if I simply can't remain quiet when people are going on and on, that just sends me over the edge!) but I do express one thing and that is respect. People are free to make choices on what they believe and we are blessed to live in a country that allows us to do so and the people who protect those rights are who I respect. I am not brave enough to go out and do what they do so the very least I can give is respect and I'm proud to do so.
This morning I watched a video about a dog named Gracie who was beyond thrilled to see her owner return. He had just returned from a tour in Iraq and this was the first time he'd seen Gracie in quite a while. Animals are such good examples of the expression of love and how it is totally ok to just go bonkers when you are happy to see someone you love. So, thank you Gracie for showing this human how to show love and appreciation to someone you like, alot.
Maybe next week I'll have a new destination to aspire to...I have a few spots I've been eyeing.
But until then, happy travels or happy just staying home to you!