Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh good grief...

It has been MONTHS since I've blogged, how sad!

I just had breakfast with my dear friend Maria over the weekend and she said how she missed blogging and it got me to thinking that I am sad to have completely abandoned mine.
So Maria... thank you for planting the seed again!

Life has been good to me and my loves the past 6 months or so. We are still living in our little house with our sweet and wonderful little dog who is the best thing to have ever happened to us. I have seriously become one of those crazy dog ladies, ha ha! Lets just say, when we stop for Starbucks, Whoopie gets an ice water too...(see? told you!) She is totally worth it though!

I feel as if lately my creative juices have ceased to flow. I don't journal any more, I only make cards when I have to, the baking stopped a while back... I feel as if I don't really have anything to say any more. Hard for my husband to believe, I'm sure, but it's how I feel. I recently purchased a Smash Book and a gazillion little accessories to go with it and I literally had to force myself to put anything in it. And what I did put in was just glued down scraps, not even any words! I then was so discouraged by that I thought that maybe I'd try just writing in a new beautiful journal. Got in one page, ONE page before I set it down a week ago. I'm not sure whats going on with me. I am almost in a gloomy phase that is carrying over into other areas of my life. I have an idea of what I think it is and I'm in the process of tests and doctors visits to try to pin point the cause but I think my thoughts are just consumed with this, uh, possibility (for lack of better words) that I have nothing left to give these other parts of my life which used to be so alive. 

Well, here is to hoping that things get a little brighter in the coming summer months of sun dresses, flip flops and warm beautiful Peony weather...

Much Love,

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